Kayak expedition 2004
Tompuda (Barguzin mountains), Kitoy and Urik (Sayan mountains)

"In late June 2004 German paddlers Jens Reinhold, Stephan Huber and Sebastian Grundler together with French kayakers Raphael Thibaut and David Arnaud left Western Europe for lake Baikal. The aim of the group was to run the remote Tompuda in the North of the lake, as well as the classic Kitoy in the Sayan mountains, with its famous Motkin Cheeks canyon and the fourteen meter waterfall on Eche-Gol. Furthermore, other promising tributaries could and would be scouted, and – if worth the effort- paddled. The trips were supposed to be self-supported without raft-support, all equipment had to be carried in the boats."
PADDLES, No. 102, March 2005, page 32.

BAIKAL TREKKING supported this expedition logistically.

Photos by Sebastian Grundler